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Adjust Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

Create the business used to bridge the gap of a fulfilling private life while acheiving profit growth.

Build a Winning Company Culture

Implement this same 4 part strategy to get the most out of your workplace environment and employees.

Download Our Free Guide: The Balancing Act Blueprint

I did the unthinkable and thrived!

In the fall of 2022, I was living in Los Angeles, California, the city of sunshine and good vibes but instead my days were dreary and I was down to my last straw before the life that I knew could soon be over.

Since owning my first business in 2008 on Philadelphia’s infamous South St. at the age of 23, I knew entrepreneurship was a journey I would always be on however in this season I was too tired to fight the same fight, both internally and with my wife and I knew I was on the verge of quitting.

My wife was less than half a step out the door of our marriage and she was taking our two beautiful children with her. You could cut the tension in our house with a butter knife as responses were short, faces were always serious and eye contact was few and far in between. This was not a new experience but this time I was at the end of my rope.

This led me to do the unthinkable. I QUIT!Yes, I said it. I quit.

I was always taught that quitters never win and winners never quit however when I decided to quit trying to look the part no matter what I knew and instead be the part no matter how I looked i instantly won.  I turned away from everything

  • I quit thinking I knew what it took to be a great husband to my wife

  • I quit thinking I knew what it took to be a great father to my children

  • I even quit thinking I knew what it took to be a successful business owner

    As a result, I’ve discovered a 4 step process that has allowed my wife and I to make business decisions together, grow our income over 100% in the past year and put us on a path to to profitably operating in our purpose with our children engaged.

My hope is the experiences I went through to achieve the results I have today will accelerate your learning curve and give you confidence in the face of both life's and business toughest challenges.

Marvin Satchell, Founder

Marvin Satchell, Founder

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